

The Crown Jewels of Canada Society - A Sisterhood of Friends

Sisterhood: 1. Unity & friendship among women, 2. A deep bond of friendship & respect, 3. Solidarity & support, 4. The foundation of security

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Friday, August 9, 2024

 The history of the CJCS doll...

For those not familiar with her, our doll was first presented by Darlene Yurchuk at the 2nd national convention, which was in Brandon, Manitoba, in 2011. At the time, she was wearing only a diaper and was wrapped in a blanket. Darlene presented the doll to the Regina Jewels, who were hosting the next convention in 2012, saying that this doll was symbolic of the 9 months of work that had gone into creating the Brandon event. At the Regina convention, some clothing was added to her wardrobe.  The tradition is that the host convention committee pass her on to the next convention committee after adding something to her, and the dates and cities of each convention have been added to the bottom of her cape. When Darlene presented the doll to the Jewels in Regina, she named her Regina.

Sue Schierer embroidered Quebec 2019 on her cape and added a sash with her new name “Ms. CJCS”. Unfortunately, our poor Miss CJCS lived in storage in Okotoks waiting for us to finally unite after Covid, in Lethbridge. I imagine after missing two years she will be adorned from head to toe in diamonds! She also has a “travel bag” which was made by Joanne Legault member no. 3134.

As following tradition, Elaine Hill to passed our Miss CJCS to Carol Torkoff and after adding to her wardrobe and embroidering the date of the 2023 convention on her cape, Carol would then turn her over to Cathy Pidduck, Chair of the 2024 National Convention.

It has been decided that the doll is large and cumbersome for those who are travelling by air and it's just one more thing to carry and as we know, airlines are cracking down on what we may carry on board.

Sadly, 2024, at our 15th Anniversary Celebration, Miss CJCS will retire.

Hopefully, Lady Canada will be able to take her place. Lady Canada has her own page here on this website so please check her out and see what she's been up to!

Monday, May 13, 2024

May 2024

 We are all excited to be looking forward to the 2024 National Convention in Penticton, B.C. this coming September - the weekend of September 13-14. Your committee has been working very hard the past two years with hotel negotiations, planning, and coming up with creative ideas to entertain you.

One of the highlights is the trolley ride to the Wine Village where many merchants will show off their wines. (B.C. is famous for it's fine wines)

 Just remember to register well in advance to join this fun activity as tickets are limited. The first trolley sold out in just a few days.

 If you've never been to Penticton it's a beautiful town at the bottom of Lake Okanagan, surrounded by fruit trees and vineyards. 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

 Come Cruise with the Jewels!

 We are finally going to be able to travel together again and a cruise to the islands and new Panama Canal has been planned. This cruise is similar to the one planned two years ago but there are a few changes in the itinerary. It is a 10-day cruise out of Fort Lauderdale with Princess.

An email was sent to all Jewels but watch the newsletters for information too. The February and March newsletters will carry the details.

Remember to book early as prices go up as you get closer to the sailing date.

 We are so excited to be hosting a Spring Luncheon in Mississagua, Ontario in June. Tickets are selling quickly. Your Regional Representative, Myrna will be in attendance as well as the CJCS Founder, Lynda.

Come and see your sister Jewels from all around. It's been way too long since we've all been together so this is an exciting event.

This event is being held in a location adjacent to Square One Shopping Center so come from out of town and spend the night and shop for a new spring/summer outfit! Make a girl's weekend out of it!

We are all just so excited to be planning events at last and looking forward to getting together at last! Hope to see you there. Registration information was sent to all of our Jewels in Ontario. If you need another copy, please contact  - Hope to see you there!

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Join us as we celebrate freedom from Covid restrictions and finally unite once again for our National Convention and Annual General Meeting, to be held in September,2022, in Lethbridge, Alberta.

We are looking forward to finally reuniting with our sister Jewels and meeting new friends.
What a celebration it's going to be.

For complete information, check the monthly newsletter or contact your regional representative.

If you are not yet a member of this exciting society of Canadian women who love to have fun together, check us out at:

Use the "contact us" form for information.

For those who just can't wait that long, register to attend the Provincial Convention being held in Olds, AB in May. Jewels from all provinces are welcome to attend!




The Head of Psychiatry at Stanford gave a speech on the relationship between stress and disease. He commented that “one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman, whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends. At first everyone laughed, but he was serious. Women connect with each other differently and provide support systems that help each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences. Physically this quality “girlfriend time" helps us to create more serotonin--a neurotransmitter that helps combat depression and can create a general feeling of well-being. Women share feelings whereas men often form relationships around activities. They rarely sit down with a buddy and talk about how they feel about certain things or their personal lives but are more than willing to discuss their jobs, sports, cars, fishing, hunting or golf. But their feelings? Rarely. Women do it all the time. We share from our souls with our sisters, and evidently that is very good for our health. He said that spending time with a friend is just as important to our general health as jogging or working out at a gym. True! There's a tendency to think that when we are "exercising" we are doing something good for our bodies, but when we’re hanging out with friends, we’re wasting our time and should be more productively engaged - not true. In fact, failure to create and maintain quality personal relationships with other humans is as dangerous to our physical health as smoking! So what’s holding you back? Join us today! Every time we get together we are doing something good for our health!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

We are Different, 
and here is why...
We recently received a note from a professional writer who was doing online research and stumbled across our website. He was intrigued, and as a result he wrote an article about our Crown Jewels group and sent us a copy of his story.  

He mentioned that the Crown Jewels of Canada Society is similar to Red Hat Society, but we disagree. 

In his article, references were made to the fact that we are a federally registered non-profit society, which is correct, while the RHS is a privately-owned corporation, in the business of making money.  As a non-profit we are not in the business of making money and collect just enough in membership fees to cover our expenses. The initial membership is $15 (registration fee of $5 and the annual membership fee of $10). 

The CJCS differs greatly in many ways. In fact there is little similarity other than we are all about women socializing and having fun and supporting each other. Unlike the RHS, we release our financial information to our members, we have a Board of Directors who oversee the operations of our society, and directors are elected by the membership.  Any significant changes such as an increase in membership fees must be voted upon by the members at our Annual General Meeting.  We listen to our members, and our members have a say.

Our By-Laws and subsequent update of our by-laws, that govern our operation, are subject to approval by the members and were written in coordination with the laws of the Government of Canada for National Non-Profit Societies, and our lawyer who is always available to guide us. We have also have our lawyer available to assist our members, at no charge to the member(s) when required.

We also offer an insurance program for our members. Any member is welcome to participate in the Crown Jewels Member's policy for a nominal annual fee. This is an important perk for all members but especially for those planning events, booking event locations, chartering buses, hosting events, etc.

As a Canadian National Non-Profit, membership is restricted to Canadians, and women living in Canada.


What exciting times ahead!
Just a few of the activities our "Jewels" have planned are shown below:

The Purple Hat Tea, Regina, SK 

The Cheeky Chicks Lawn Bowling Extravaganza: Theme - The Royal Babies 

Play "Steel Magnolia" at the Actors Studio,

Paint Night with the Gems,

Poker/Wine Run Car Rally with Tour of Wineries

Ontario Provincial Convention in Kingston, Ontario

CJCS National Convention in Quebec City

Prince Edward Island Convention October 25-26-27, 2019 with the theme "Halloween"

CJCS 10th Anniversary Celebrations across Canada in the fall

Maritime Chapters Convention, Fall 2019

All of these fun activities in addition to chapter monthly events across the country!

It's all about having fun together!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

It's time..

And they're off....

A group of Crown Jewels members are off today starting their latest adventure. This time to Ixtapa, Mexico. May you all have safe flights and a wonderful holiday together.

Registration is now open...

2018 National Convention registration is now open!! Reserve your hotel rooms and complete the forms and get them into the mail while space is still available.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Welcome to a new year and new beginnings for all our new Jewels who have joined us this year. 
January 22, 2018 - Registration for our 9th Annual National Convention opens!
This year we are headed to Regina, Saskatchewan. We hope that you will be joining us for the CJCS "Olympics" - check out the convention website for details.
This spring, our Founder, Lynda Millard, and Vice President, Sue Schierer, are heading off on a road trip across Canada visiting many chapters and members as they travel. In Ottawa, Board Member Myrna Christensen will join Lynda as Sue returns home. Lots of fun events along the way have been planned.
Sue and Lynda are also planning to visit many members in British Columbia on a mini-road trip in April. 
We have so many new members as we enter 2018, many of them in Ontario. Welcome!! The more the merrier! 
Next week a large group of Jewels fly off to Ixtapa and just days ago another large group returned from Puerto Vallarta. 
Whatever your plans, have a wonderful time!
Our Administrative Assistant, Melanie is always available to assist you as are your Regional Representatives. Your Board is always happy to hear from our members and Lynda, our Founder, can be reached by our toll-free number at any time. We love to hear from our members. 
Share your photos from your chapter events in our newsletter. Send them by the first of the month to your Regional Rep.