

Sisterhood: 1. Unity & friendship among women, 2. A deep bond of friendship & respect, 3. Solidarity & support, 4. The foundation of security

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013


September 25, 2013

A letter is being emailed to all members with respect to the 2014 rates for both membership and insurance. There have been some changes so please do not use our old forms as they are incorrect.

As of October 1st, the new forms will be posted on the member's website and included in the October newsletter. They will also be available from your Reps after October 1st.

Please do not send using an old form. Be sure it says "2014" on the top of the page.


Last year the underwriters raised the cost of our insurance but thankfully, our insurance agent was able to get them to agree to keep the premium at the same low rate but this year, we have no choice but to pay the new rate which is $2.00 more than the 2013 rate. Premium payments are due in our office no later than February 14th, 2014 for you to be included in the 2014 policy. Insurance is optional and available to those members/chapters who wish to participate in the policy. To have this same amount of protection on your home policy would cost you an additional $800.00 on top of what you presently pay, for this “umbrella” policy. Therefore it is still an incredible bargain for our members.


At the national convention’s Annual General Meeting a motion was made from the floor to raise the membership fee and it should be noted that this was passed by 100% of the members present.
Registration fees will remain as a one-time fee of $5.00 and there is no intention to ever change that.
Therefore, effective January 1st, 2014, membership renewals will increase. Complete information will be on the new 2014 membership renewal forms.

We have been busy upgrading the old websites and have created a new one too for "one-stop shopping" for our members. Details were in the September newsletter and will be repeated in the October newsletter.

All members of the board and provincial reps are changing to new email addresses. Watch the newsletter and all future communications for details.

Board Members at National Convention - Calgary, AB September, 2013 


A huge thank you to Elaine and Sue and their committees. They really put on an outstanding long weekend for our Jewels who came from sea to sea to attend. 

Congratulations to Carol from Lower Sackville NS who won the "Song Writing" contest! Debbie and Carol sand it for us at the AGM and we all had the tune playing in our heads the rest of the day. Cross Iron Mills contributed a bus and gift bags for those who wanted to go shopping. 


Monday, September 9, 2013


11 sleeps until we meet again at our annual convention! How exciting is this Jewels?

Just an update for those interested in the 2014 cruise - space is limited. Book now as not a lot of cabins remain. We've a great group going this year so join us for a week of FUN IN THE SUN!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Notice is hereby given, that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the members of:


Will be held on:
Saturday, September 21, 2013,

Deerfoot Inn Casino Hotel,

11500 - 35 Street SE, Calgary, Alberta T2Z 3W4

at 9:00AM
Dated this 15th day of July, 2013

Lynda Millard, CEO

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Open for business again

Our office has been closed (for medical reasons) but we're up and running again and lots of news to share.

First, this is your last chance call for the 2013 National Convention being held in Calgary, Alberta in September. Registration closes August 1st.

Registrations are now being accepted for our 4th Annual Cruise, departing Ft. Lauderdale, January 25th, cruising to the Eastern Caribbean. Join us for a week full of FUN!

For those who are having difficulties receiving our newsletters by email, we have a new way for you to access the newsletter archives. Click here to go to the site but first, obtain the password from your Provincial Representative, or your Queen.

If you are in or near B.C. you may wish to join the B.C. Jewels as they celebrate our 4th Anniversary with a Jalopy Jaunt (sight-seeing not a racing car rally) It's all about fun! Teams are 3/car (driver, navigator and spotter) and the cost is $99/team. Contact our office for details.

We are in the process of re-writing our By-Laws due to new regulations for all Canadian Non-Profits. 

Our Jewels are excited as the 2014 National Convention will be held in Vancouver and in 2015 it's in Nova Scotia! Start saving ladies!

Our song contest ends next month but we are still accepting photos for the calendar.

Going south Snowbirds? Plan ahead and prepare your membership and insurance renewals early so that you can submit them to our office before you depart for warmer climates.

These Jewels recently went zip-lining and had so much fun they're planning to do it again soon! What have you been up to lately?


Sunday, June 2, 2013

All memberships, insurance and pin orders that have been received up to June 2 have been processed.
All registrations for the 2014 cruise that have been received as of June 2 have been registered with the Travel Agent and deposits paid.
I will have access to email periodically over the next week but not to postal mail.
The office will be open June 10-13 and then closes until the end of July. (Our Treasurer will be collecting mail during this time from the post office box.)
Please contact your Prov. Rep. should you need assistance.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Our office will be closed from June 18th until July 18th. If you need assistance, please contact your Provincial Director/Representative. After the 18th of July Lynda will be back but working limited hours until the end of August.

Our 2014 cruise information has been released and information is on the cruise website.

The May newsletter has been emailed to all members and is posted in the archives on the members website. As a member you are welcome to access the website but must first "register" for access. Information was emailed to you with your "Receipt & Confirmation" of your 2013 membership. If you accidentally deleted the information, please contact your Provincial Representative.

Your Board of Directors looks forward to seeing you and meeting our newest members at the National Convention in September in Calgary.

What is your chapter/Royal Court planning for our 4th Anniversary?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Queen turns 106 years young

Our April 2013 Newsletter has been sent to all members today. If it's not in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder. Read about the history of Victorian "Calling Cards" and an update on our National Convention in Calgary and a "thank you" letter from Queen Dorothy as well as lots of other information for our members.

Last month was an exciting time as some of us in British Columbia helped celebrate with HRH Queen Dorothy as she celebrated her 106th birthday - several times. First was a celebration with her family, which was televised by Global TV, then a luncheon with friends at her home, including myself and our B.C. Rep Sue. A few days later Queen Dorothy attended the luncheon of the Okanagan Valley Region Royal Court, attended by Queens and Vice Queens from chapters in the area.

HRH Queen Dorothy - Cutting her cake.

One of the most elegant, gracious, kindest ladies I've had the pleasure of knowing!

Members of Okanagan Chapters join Queen Dorothy to celebrate her brithday

This month I am joining our Alberta Director and Provincial Representative to attend and speak at the Alberta Convention in Camrose. Shortly after that I am off with the British Columbia Provincial Director and Representative on a tour of the island chapters and a luncheon with the Lower Mainland chapters and a special party with our chapter in Sechelt. 

So much fun when you're a Crown Jewel but the highlight of the year will be when we all gather together in Calgary for our 4th Annual National Convention! Look forward to seeing you all there and to meeting our newest members.

Remember to check out our TWO pages on Facebook. One is an information page and one is "for members only". 

If you're not yet a member of the CJCS members website join today! There is SO much information on the site and it's a great way to meet and connect with other members and other chapters across Canada and see what they're up to. Lots of suggestions for events and fun with your chapter too.

If you want to receive notices when this page is updated, enter your email in the section provided in the top right corner of this webpage.

All past CJCS Monthly Newsletters are posted in the Archives section on our members website. You might wish to print them out and save them in a binder for future reference.

Have a wonderful and safe month everyone! There are still some wintry roads out there!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2013 CJCS Cruise  - Western Caribbean 

Click on any photo to see a larger version of it.

Arrived in Galveston TX for the start of Mardi Gras

The Pier on the Beach in Galveston

The beginning of the Mardi Gras Parades along the Seawall
Our Ship
Some of our Jewels onboard (unfortunately many were missing at photo time)

Mahogany Bay, Roatan, Honduras
Roatan Beach

Roatan Honduras

You can get daycare in Belize for your husband!

Belize Harbour

Wall to wall shops in Belize and crownds

Belize Harbour

Our ship docked in Cozumel, Mexico

Fountain in the Shopping area

A native coming to entertain us

Pancho's Backyard Beach Bar

A cool relaxing spot in the middle of the shops

Waiting for dinner

Entertainment at Sea CJCS Style!

A farewell toast on our last night together compliments of Lynda

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A large group of Jewels are heading off on another adventure. This time they are heading to Galveston Texas to experience "Mardi Gras" and then sailing off on the Crown Princess for an adventure in the Western Caribbean. If you want to follow their adventure, check out the blog at

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Important Updates

Queen Dorothy  - Amazing. 
Our precious Queen Dorothy is about to turn 106 years old! She would really appreciate it if you would take a moment to send, or have your chapter send, her a birthday card! She will be 106 years young on March 16, 2013.
Her address was sent to you an email today, January 23rd. It's also posted in the members website.

January Newsletter
Was emailed to all members on January 15th. You can access it by going into the members website and on the "main" tab look in the upper left corner for the red box that contains the archives of all newsletters dating back to 2009. Some Queens print them out and save them in a binder for easy reference.

Members Website
Is available to all members but you must first register for it. Information on how to register was included in your receipt and confirmation sent to you after you renewed your membership for 2013. Contact your Prov. Rep. for assistance.
Provincial Representatives  
Are here to assist you. Please contact your Provincial Representative when you have questions. It's a great way to get to know them too.

Convention Registration
Registration is now open and they've held the price to the same price as our very first convention in 2009! Well done Calgary! This price is only for the early-bird registrations so make sure you register NOW! Space is limited!
Convention Information 
All convention information is posted on our Gala website which is shared with you in the signature of our emails, the newsletter, the members website, our Facebook page, and from your Queen and/or Provincial Rep.

Convention Hotel Rooms
Please note that if you call the hotel to reserve a room, please only book one room for yourself. Don't be unfair and book a block of rooms for friends "just in case" and
if you have booked more than one room, cancel the extras and let your friends book their own room. Lets all play fair ladies! 
Change of Email Address 
Must be sent on the appropriate form which is available on the general information website under the members tab at the bottom. Go to the members page and look for the change of information link. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year Jewels!

It's almost that time of year again. Convention registration opens January 15th. The details will be posted in the January newsletter which is sent to all members on the 15th and the Convention website also opens on January 15th.
Looking forward to seeing you in Calgary!

Did you know that there is also a smaller Provincial Convention in Alberta in May? If you'd like more information contact the Alberta Provincial Rep. or our office.

Wishing you all much happiness, good health and new friendships in this new year!