

Sisterhood: 1. Unity & friendship among women, 2. A deep bond of friendship & respect, 3. Solidarity & support, 4. The foundation of security

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

We've come a very long way in a very short time.

We are set up as a National Non-Profit organization. We've delivered 1,000 Founders Club pins to our original Founding Members and are now shipping membership pins to members. These members pins are Cloisonne and very special as they were designed by our very own JEWEL, member Jacquie S.

Plans are well under way for our first Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Convention to be held September 10-12, 2010.

We've been sending a monthly newsletter to all members since the summer and our newsletters are archived on our members web site. Yes, we have a private members only web site where each member has her very own web page in addition to the provincial pages and a wealth of information sharing and friendships being formed across the country. We even have a cancer support group, not to mention recipe sharing, a craft group, and many others. Check it out if you haven't already!

We have a Board of Directors, representing several provinces, who run our organization on behalf of the members. Two people who stand out for the huge amount of work they have taken on recently are Elaine H who has been mailing out all the pins, and M.M. who's been working diligently in the office recording all the membership information.

Our membership numbers are ahead of our projections with new requests arriving daily for information on how to join!

We would like to remind members to take a moment each day and check the web site. Say a welcome to our featured members, wish the birthday girls a Happy Birthday greetings and see what's new.

As we close 2009 and move forward into 2010 we send Holiday Greetings to you all. Our wish for you is a happy holiday with wonderful food, friends and family and safety on the winter roads!