Our December newsletter was send via email to all members last night and should be in your inbox this morning. It's also posted in the Archives on our member's website under the "main" tab.
A new contest for chapters has been announced today on the member's website and on our Facebook page. Check it out!
Our office is now closed until January 2, 2013. Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Our December newsletter will be emailed to all members on December 15th.
A large email was sent December 8th to all registered to join the Jewels on the 2013 cruise containing all the information you need to know before the cruise and answers to all your questions about cruising.
Registration for our 2013 National Convention will open early in the new year. Please remember that your 2013 membership must be processed prior to your being able to register for the convention. It can take 6-8 weeks for your membership to be processed to renew your membership today!
Join us on Facebook. Look for "Crown Jewels of Canada Society" and ask to join our group.
Have you joined the members website yet? Lots of great ideas for your chapter Christmas party posted there! A great way to meet other members from across Canada too.
Our December newsletter will be emailed to all members on December 15th.
A large email was sent December 8th to all registered to join the Jewels on the 2013 cruise containing all the information you need to know before the cruise and answers to all your questions about cruising.
Registration for our 2013 National Convention will open early in the new year. Please remember that your 2013 membership must be processed prior to your being able to register for the convention. It can take 6-8 weeks for your membership to be processed to renew your membership today!
Join us on Facebook. Look for "Crown Jewels of Canada Society" and ask to join our group.
Have you joined the members website yet? Lots of great ideas for your chapter Christmas party posted there! A great way to meet other members from across Canada too.
Friday, November 16, 2012
It's been a very busy fall for our Jewels.
Hundreds attended our National Convention in Regina, SK. in September. There were many who went to N. Dakota on a shopping expedition recently too.
Are you a Snowbird in the Phoenix, AZ area? If so, we hope to see you at our Snowbird Luncheon in November!
Check out the December edition of Canadian Living Magazine for a photo and information on some of our Jewels and what they are up to!
Our latest edition of our monthly newsletter was sent to all members on November 15th and included:
If you live in Alberta, check with your Provincial Rep. to register for the Provincial Convention in May 2013.
Are you on Facebook? So are we. Check us out and ask to join our Facebook page.
Hundreds attended our National Convention in Regina, SK. in September. There were many who went to N. Dakota on a shopping expedition recently too.
Are you a Snowbird in the Phoenix, AZ area? If so, we hope to see you at our Snowbird Luncheon in November!
Check out the December edition of Canadian Living Magazine for a photo and information on some of our Jewels and what they are up to!
Our latest edition of our monthly newsletter was sent to all members on November 15th and included:
- · Report on the Nova Scotia Provincial "Fall Fling"
- · Snowbird Luncheon - Phoenix, Arizona
- · Chapter Happenings
- · Report on the National AGM & Convention
- · 2013 Convention Committee Update
- · 2015 Convention
- · Contest
- · Is Your Chapter Looking To Expand? your chapter?
- · Gift Time
- · Publicity - across the country
- · Staying Safe On The Computer
- · Royal Court? - What is it?
- · Cruising With The Jewels: 2013
- · Fundraising Fashion Show/Wine & Cheese
- · CJCS Brochures
- · Changing Membership Information of any type
- · Road Trip!
- · 2013 Membership Renewals
- · #5000 - it's coming! Who's the lucky winner?
- · Member Issues
- · A Jewel's Message
- · CJCS Quick Links
- · Contact Information
If you live in Alberta, check with your Provincial Rep. to register for the Provincial Convention in May 2013.
Are you on Facebook? So are we. Check us out and ask to join our Facebook page.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
First - Did you know you can follow this blog? Sign up on the right side of this page by entering your email address to be notified by email every time we post here, or you can sign up at the bottom on the right to receive notices of postings and/or comments re our posts. You will then receive a notice each time there is an update.
This past weekend I sent a personal email to every Jewel that we have an email address for. I included a link for members to join the "JEWEL BOX" - our member's only private website. It also reminded you about our monthly newsletters, sent on the 15th of each month. Copies of all newsletters back to August 2009 are also posted in the Archives in the JEWEL BOX (Main tab - red box in upper left corner) and I commented on the Regina National Convention last week which was a huge success and oh so much fun! If you missed it, please don't miss out on the 2013 National Convention in Calgary!
We have had approx. 230 emails returned with a message that the mailbox was over quota, or email was rejected (this could be by you having blocked us or your internet provider blocking email from our internet provider or your spam not having us on your safe senders list. There are other reasons too... such as we just don't have your correct email address in our data base.
We, our office, and your Provincial Reps are making every effort to contact everyone to ensure we have your correct email address in our file.
Beginning with the 2013 membership renewals we will be doing it differently to avoid future problems such as this. We will send the confirmation of 2013 membership to EVERY member in a chapter, not just to the QUEEN. This way we will know instantly of any email errors and catch it right away so you don't miss our on our monthly newsletters.
We continue to learn ways to improve our Society and your membership. You are our best Ambassadors and we appreciate your spreading the word about is.
If you saw an article in your local paper about the 2012 National Convention, please send a copy to our office for our archives. Many thanks!
First - Did you know you can follow this blog? Sign up on the right side of this page by entering your email address to be notified by email every time we post here, or you can sign up at the bottom on the right to receive notices of postings and/or comments re our posts. You will then receive a notice each time there is an update.
This past weekend I sent a personal email to every Jewel that we have an email address for. I included a link for members to join the "JEWEL BOX" - our member's only private website. It also reminded you about our monthly newsletters, sent on the 15th of each month. Copies of all newsletters back to August 2009 are also posted in the Archives in the JEWEL BOX (Main tab - red box in upper left corner) and I commented on the Regina National Convention last week which was a huge success and oh so much fun! If you missed it, please don't miss out on the 2013 National Convention in Calgary!
We have had approx. 230 emails returned with a message that the mailbox was over quota, or email was rejected (this could be by you having blocked us or your internet provider blocking email from our internet provider or your spam not having us on your safe senders list. There are other reasons too... such as we just don't have your correct email address in our data base.
We, our office, and your Provincial Reps are making every effort to contact everyone to ensure we have your correct email address in our file.
Beginning with the 2013 membership renewals we will be doing it differently to avoid future problems such as this. We will send the confirmation of 2013 membership to EVERY member in a chapter, not just to the QUEEN. This way we will know instantly of any email errors and catch it right away so you don't miss our on our monthly newsletters.
We continue to learn ways to improve our Society and your membership. You are our best Ambassadors and we appreciate your spreading the word about is.
If you saw an article in your local paper about the 2012 National Convention, please send a copy to our office for our archives. Many thanks!
Monday, September 24, 2012
An important email has just gone out to all members. The cruise price has dropped for today only. Also included is information about the hotel.
Please take a moment to read it.
Princess has announced a big sale and the price for our 2013 has dropped. If you're already booked, relax, your price will be adjusted and a new invoice will be sent to you in time.
We would like to suggest that you contact our travel agent prior to October 1st to change your hotel if you're staying in Houston, to the hotel we are staying at in Galveston. Time is running out on this as it's Mardi Gras in Galveston that week and hotel rooms are hard to obtain and our special rate expires October 1st.
Was a huge success. The Regina Jewels under the leadership of "Just Me" - Mary H. outdid themselves.
From arrival at the airport where they had a booth set up to welcome you and drivers to escort you to the hotel, to the decorations, the meals, and the entertainment was fantastic!
Thursday night we attended the opening of the new "ABBA" show and learned for most of us for the first time, the history of how "ABBA" came to be. Lots of fun, great music, re-uniting with old friends and meeting new ones!
"THE QUEEN" came for a visit and certainly had lots of news to share!
Saturday the star of the evening was just voted "Canada's top Country Solo artist", Brad Johner.
Whether you were in your 20's or 90's, our Jewels were up dancing the night away!
I tell you, there are no words to describe the sight of hundreds of Jewels smiling, laughing, dancing and having fun all weekend long!
CONVENTION 2013Will be hosted by Elaine H and her Alberta Jewels, in Calgary. Charter that bus now, start saving your pennies and spread the word! It's time for another party!
CATS OUT OF THE BAG....CONVENTION 2015Will be in Halifax, Nova Scotia!
An important email has just gone out to all members. The cruise price has dropped for today only. Also included is information about the hotel.
Please take a moment to read it.
Princess has announced a big sale and the price for our 2013 has dropped. If you're already booked, relax, your price will be adjusted and a new invoice will be sent to you in time.
We would like to suggest that you contact our travel agent prior to October 1st to change your hotel if you're staying in Houston, to the hotel we are staying at in Galveston. Time is running out on this as it's Mardi Gras in Galveston that week and hotel rooms are hard to obtain and our special rate expires October 1st.
Was a huge success. The Regina Jewels under the leadership of "Just Me" - Mary H. outdid themselves.
From arrival at the airport where they had a booth set up to welcome you and drivers to escort you to the hotel, to the decorations, the meals, and the entertainment was fantastic!
Thursday night we attended the opening of the new "ABBA" show and learned for most of us for the first time, the history of how "ABBA" came to be. Lots of fun, great music, re-uniting with old friends and meeting new ones!
"THE QUEEN" came for a visit and certainly had lots of news to share!
Saturday the star of the evening was just voted "Canada's top Country Solo artist", Brad Johner.
Whether you were in your 20's or 90's, our Jewels were up dancing the night away!
I tell you, there are no words to describe the sight of hundreds of Jewels smiling, laughing, dancing and having fun all weekend long!
CONVENTION 2013Will be hosted by Elaine H and her Alberta Jewels, in Calgary. Charter that bus now, start saving your pennies and spread the word! It's time for another party!
CATS OUT OF THE BAG....CONVENTION 2015Will be in Halifax, Nova Scotia!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Where has the summer gone? Before you know it our Jewels will be packing their bags and heading to Regina!
you can't go, you are entitled to complete the Proxy form and return it
so that your vote will count. Proxies must be received no later than
September 9th.
August 15th our 36th newsletter was sent to all members, via email.
36!! Three years worth of news, comments, events, ideas, etc. And if
you've missed one, remember that all newsletters are in the Archives on
the member's website. Click on the red box in the upper left corner of
the Main page/tab to access all mailings that have been sent to our
members dating back to August 2009. Some of our members print them out
and keep them in a binder for quick and easy reference.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Where has our summer gone? We hope you've been fortunate enough to enjoy a warm and sunny summer.
Our July newsletter was sent, although quite late. In spite of it's going out not too long ago we've a big August newsletter almost ready to go. It will be emailed on the 15th.
Remember that if you're still thinking about joining us in Regina you're running out of time! All hotel rooms not booked will be released back to the hotel August 20th and registration closes on the 21st. The Thursday evening festivities I believe are sold out but there may be a last minute cancellation so if you're not booked, contact the convention committee right away as they really have a very special evening planned for us.
Remember to book your tours. They have some great tours planned for us and I think the R.C.M.P. headquarters is something not to be missed.
It's almost time to start packing!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Check us out in the media:
CARP Canada (formerly: Canadian Assn. of Retired Persons)
and in Saskatchewan
Pink Magazine
For Saskatchewan Women - PINK Magazine is a full color, glossy magazine that is distributed on FREE stands throughout the province of Saskatchewan.
We are targeted to women and have a reader base of over 60,000+ dedicated readers in print and online in over 12 cities.
PINK Magazine features women who are making a difference in the
province through academia, sports, business and charity. With
Saskatchewan being a small and connected province, women find they often
know someone in the magazine or can relate to the stories being shared.
We are the one and only women’s magazine in the province and we are
currently launching a subscription base to allow our readers to get a
copy shipped right to their door!
Note to CJCS members:
Our July newsletter will be emailed to all members July 30th.
Friday, July 20, 2012
July 2012 Update
Due to the hospitalization for emergency surgery, of our CEO, the July newsletter has not yet been sent. Hopefully it will be sent next week.
Meanwhile, a reminder that there are a few tickets available for the September Convention.
For those booked on our February 2013 cruise we remind you to book flights as soon as possible as that is Superbowl Weekend and Mardi GRAS in Galveston.
Our Travel Agent has arranged for hotels and transportation in Galveston but rooms are limited. Book now to avoid disappointment.
Friday, June 15, 2012
JUNE NEWSLETTER - Newsletter # 34
Our June newsletter was sent out last night (June 14th) to all CJCS members that we have a valid email address for. Please note that 247 were returned as "undeliverable" due to invalid email address or mailbox full etc.
If you didn't receive yours, please contact your Provincial Representative.
All newsletters dating back to 2009 are posted in the "Archives" under the "Main" tab on the member's web site, including the June edition.
Also posted in the archives is the information on the 2013 CJCS cruise. Bookings are now underway and many repeat cruisers had so much fun that they have already booked! Don't miss out on all the fun - book now!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Information was sent last week to all on our cruise mailing list. If you'd like to be added, please contact the office.
If you've never cruised with Princess before, please let us know so we can apply for a $25.00 shipboard credit for you.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
June Update
Our June newsletter will be going out soon. Don't miss it! Make sure we have an accurate email address for all your members.
The Jewels who participated in the Coastal Wine Cruise from Los Angeles to Vancouver had a wonderful week together exploring some wonderful coastal towns and cities such as Santa Barbara, San Franciso, Victoria, etc. Don't miss out on the fun! Plan now to join us on our 2013 cruise to the Western Caribbean in February.
Are you registered for our National Convention in Regina? Don't miss out! Register today. While there you can tour the Elvis Museum or the R.C.M.P. Museum. Lots of great meals and activities have been planned for your visit.
Do you know your Provincial Representative? Get to know her - she's your best friend. She can help you join the member's website, send you an information and/or registration package, sent invitations on your behalf to others in your province, and so much more!
Some of the articles in the upcoming June Newsletter:
Saturday, April 14, 2012
OUR APRIL NEWSLETTER GOES OUT TOMORROW ! Don't miss it, it's a big one chock full of information.
It's a big one with lots of great reading. Make sure you look in your spam/junk mail folder if it's not in your inbox tomorrow, April 15th.
We have been publishing a newsletter for our members since early 2009 and all back issues dating back to August of 2009 are published on our member's web site in the Archives. One member suggests that they be printed and filed in a binder for quick and easy reference. A great idea!
Here's some of what's in the April Edition:
We have been publishing a newsletter for our members since early 2009 and all back issues dating back to August of 2009 are published on our member's web site in the Archives. One member suggests that they be printed and filed in a binder for quick and easy reference. A great idea!
Here's some of what's in the April Edition:
- Pins
- Convention
- Cruise
- May Newsletter – send your submissions now, “What is Your Chapter Up To This Month?”
- Friendship Cards
- Brochure
- Insurance for events
- Maritime Representative on the Board of Directors
- Nova Scotia Provincial Event
- Alberta Provincial Event
- British Columbia Luncheon in June for Lower Mainland chapters
- Chat Room on Member’s Web Site
- Cruise Plans for 2013
- Member’s Web Site
- Reminders
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Jewels -
It's that time of year again. Registration for the 3rd Annual Convention & Annual General Meeting has now been released. This year's event will be held in September 2012 in Regina, Saskatchewan.
All information on the convention, including the REGISTRATION FORM is posted on the convention web site:
Don't forget to check the tab at the top of the page that says MORE - when you click on MORE you will see more TABS with MORE information on the convention.
Please do not contact our office for information. We will just forward it to the convention committee and as we've discovered, often you've not included your important information:
chapter name
email address
and as a result, they've not been able to contact you with a response to your questions. If you contact them directly, they will be able to respond to you.
We look forward to seeing you at the convention!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Newsletters are now being sent on the 15th of the month so they can be updated following your Board of Director's monthly meeting which is held on the first Saturday of the month.
Memberships expire on the 31st of this month so renewals are now due. Your 2012 Membership must be processed in order for you to register for the 2012 convention.
Registration for the 2012 CJCS Convention, to be held in Regina, Saskatchewan, September 2012, opens February 1st.
Insurance renewals are also due January 31st.
The 2011 Statement of Revenue & Expenses is posted on the members website and is included in the January newsletter.
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Crown Jewels of Canada Society |
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