Our June newsletter will be going out soon. Don't miss it! Make sure we have an accurate email address for all your members.
The Jewels who participated in the Coastal Wine Cruise from Los Angeles to Vancouver had a wonderful week together exploring some wonderful coastal towns and cities such as Santa Barbara, San Franciso, Victoria, etc. Don't miss out on the fun! Plan now to join us on our 2013 cruise to the Western Caribbean in February.
Are you registered for our National Convention in Regina? Don't miss out! Register today. While there you can tour the Elvis Museum or the R.C.M.P. Museum. Lots of great meals and activities have been planned for your visit.
Do you know your Provincial Representative? Get to know her - she's your best friend. She can help you join the member's website, send you an information and/or registration package, sent invitations on your behalf to others in your province, and so much more!
Some of the articles in the upcoming June Newsletter: