First, our hearts go out to all who have been affected by the fires in Fort MacMurray and surrounding area. We thank the first responders, police, firemen, and all the volunteers who have dropped everything to help and to those who have now volunteered to help with clean-up.
We're a little late but we hope you have all enjoyed Mother's Day and are finally enjoying some beautiful spring weather. I noticed that Banff and area received SNOW - who forgot to tell Mother Nature to play nice? It's mid-spring!
Big hugs and get well wishes to our former Director Mary who is in hospital recovering from surgery.
Melanie will be sending Newsletter #81 out over the weekend. Watch your inbox and if it doesn't appear, you can always download it from the "Jewel Box."
Join us on one of our Facebook pages and connect with other members.
To all who are heading off to the Alberta Provincial Convention this weekend - HAVE A BLAST!
V.P. Sue and I are looking forward to our tour across the country later this month and seeing so many friends and meeting many more of our precious Jewels. Thank you to all the organizers who have planned many activities for us to attend.
It's always a good feeling to see how many events are selling out way in advance. Our Jewels love to have a good time together!