

Sisterhood: 1. Unity & friendship among women, 2. A deep bond of friendship & respect, 3. Solidarity & support, 4. The foundation of security

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Sunday, September 30, 2012



First - Did you know you can follow this blog? Sign up on the right side of this page by entering your email address to be notified by email every time we post here, or you can sign up at the bottom on the right to receive notices of postings and/or comments re our posts. You will then receive a notice each time there is an update.
This past weekend I sent a personal email to every Jewel that we have an email address for. I included a link for members to join the "JEWEL BOX" - our member's only private website. It also reminded you about our monthly newsletters, sent on the 15th of each month. Copies of all newsletters back to August 2009 are also posted in the Archives in the JEWEL BOX (Main tab - red box in upper left corner) and I commented on the Regina National Convention last week which was a huge success and oh so much fun! If you missed it, please don't miss out on the 2013 National Convention in Calgary!

We have had approx. 230 emails returned with a message that the mailbox was over quota, or email was rejected (this could be by you having blocked us or your internet provider blocking email from our internet provider or your spam not having us on your safe senders list. There are other reasons too... such as we just don't have your correct email address in our data base.

We, our office, and your Provincial Reps are making every effort to contact everyone to ensure we have your correct email address in our file.

Beginning with the 2013 membership renewals we will be doing it differently to avoid future problems such as this. We will send the confirmation of 2013 membership to EVERY member in a chapter, not just to the QUEEN. This way we will know instantly of any email errors and catch it right away so you don't miss our on our monthly newsletters.

We continue to learn ways to improve our Society and your membership. You are our best Ambassadors and we appreciate your spreading the word about is. 

If you saw an article in your local paper about the 2012 National Convention, please send a copy to our office for our archives. Many thanks!